Final call for claims regarding the pending Minority Pre-Matric Scholarship for the years 2013-14 & 2014-15 within 17/01/2020.

No. B/2/1/Pre-MS/2019-MA(Pending):     In pursuance of the Government’s letter No. 8/2/2013-MOBC &SC dt. 14/03/2019, it is hereby notified for information to all concerned that the list of the students who have applied Minority “Pre-Matric Scholarship” for the years 2013-14 and 2014-15 have been provided below. The Verified and Accepted list have been recommended by Directorate of Education (S) and ZEO concerned in the process of selection. Fund will be transferred soon through DBT to the accounts of students who have been verified and found eligible. The students are advised to ensure that their bank accounts remain active.

Those students who are not yet verified and who have not yet submitted their relevant document should submit to the undersigned on or before 17th January, 2020, failing which no claims will be entertained afterwards. Any aggrieved students/party may submit his/her claim along with relevant documents on or before 17th January, 2020. Any claim received after the stipulated date will not be entertained.

i)   Verified and Accepted

ii) Verified and Rejected

iii) Pending acceptance due to lack of documents 

iv) Unverifiable Students